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September 27, 2024  with Carla Ward  and Marlo Humiski

An Alternative ECE Program

Carla Ward interviews Marlo Humiski from Learn, Develop, Succeed (LDS), a nonprofit in BC dedicated to supporting families with learning disabilities. The discussion highlights the Early Risers Program, which provides early intervention in a preschool-like setting, engaging families through community partnerships and workshops. With a focus on literacy, numeracy, and fine motor skills, the program includes professional support from specialists and features QT the Robot to aid emotional awareness. Marlo emphasizes the importance of early intervention and the ongoing resources available to families, showcasing LDS’s commitment to fostering a supportive community for neurodivergent children.

Marlo Humiski

Marlo is the Senior Manager, Early Years programs at LDS – Learn. Develop. Succeed. a non-profit charity that supports families and students with learning differences, such as ASD, ADHD, and Developmental Coordination Disorder, in BC. She holds a Master of Arts in Children’s Literature from UBC, and she has been working in early years environments for over ten years.


Learn Develop Succeed Society – Website

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