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September 20, 2024 with Carla Ward and Dr. Jasmine Moses

Anti-Bias Education in Early Childhood Spaces

Host Carla Ward interviews Dr. Jasmine Moses, an expert in anti-bias early childhood education, discussing the importance of inclusivity in early learning environments. Dr. Moses outlines the four main goals of anti-bias education—identity, diversity, justice, and activism—and emphasizes the need for diverse materials and perspectives in classrooms. The conversation highlights the significance of confronting biases, fostering empathy, and advocating for equitable policies to create supportive communities for children and families.

Dr. Jasmine Moses

Dr. Jasmine Moses is an Anti-Bias Early Childhood Educator dedicated to helping parents and teachers raise and teach the next generation.

With a background as an early childhood teacher and Non-Profit community worker, she is passionate about promoting fairness and equity from a young age. Her work aims to create inclusive and respectful environments for all children and their families. She offers resources, professional development, and support for implementing Anti-Bias and Anti-Racist practices.

She enjoys connecting with site administrators, community organizations, teachers, families, and children as she works to advocate for the ECE field.


The Anti-Bias ECE – Website

The Anti-Bias ECE – Instagram