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June 14, 2024 with Carla Ward and Anthony Delauney

Teaching Financial Literacy in ECE with Anthony Delauney

In this episode of the Everything ECE Podcast, host, Carla Ward welcomes Anthony Delauney, the financial “dadvisor.” Anthony is a father of two, a Certified Family Financial Planner, a Behavioral Financial Advisor, and the author of the award-winning “Owning the Dash” children’s book series. He shares his innovative approach to teaching children foundational financial skills by focusing on life skills and behaviours essential for financial understanding. Listeners will learn about the importance of non-judgmental behaviour in financial education and gain practical tips for early childhood education. Tune in for an enlightening and transformative discussion!

Anthony Delauney

Anthony Delauney, the financial “dadvisor,” is a father of two and Certified Family Financial Planner and Behavioral Financial Advisor and author of the award-winning Owning the Dash children’s book series which includes, Dash and Nikki and the Jelly Bean Game, Lilly and May Learn Why Mom and Dad Work, Rohan and Nyra and Big Sister’s Bet, Michael and Hannah and the Magic Money Tree and the fifth book in the series, Akash and Mila and the Big Jump. Each book celebrates diversity and inclusiveness and imparts an important lesson including the value of saving, the basics of budgeting, the importance of earning, risk vs. reward and more.


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