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January 13, 2023 with Carla Ward and Laura Hansen

Social - Emotional Risky Play

So often, when people think about risky play, they think about physical risk. In this episode of The Everything ECE Podcast, Laura Hansen presents the concept of social-emotional risky play in early childhood education. Children need to be emotionally ready to take risks before they physically take that risk. In addition, educators also need to be emotionally ready to support children’s risky play. This episode is a great way to self-reflect on your own feelings about risky play and how you can support yourself and your students. 

Laura Hansen

Laura Hansen is the founder of Growing Strong Connections, where she supports caregivers and educators on their journey with children. She is a certified trauma informed specialist, coach and trainer, as well as a certified Wunderled educator and leader. When she is not coaching or training, you can find her teaching in the classroom where she’s been for nearly twenty years. She is currently teaching threes, one of her favourite ages!
As a frequent mistake maker, recovering people pleaser and self-healer on her journey through life,  she sees the value and importance of the early years for providing a strong foundation for future growth. Therefore, her passion, for the last 27 years, has been researching and exploring mental health, child development, behaviors, play and growing strong connections.